Class wobzilla_selectionContext


class wobzilla_selectionContext

The selectionContext allows selection-handling accross component-borders. Use wobzilla_selectionContext to communicate the selection events of on component to all registered components. Example: If you have two list-components and want only one item selected in both lists, you could check for the target parameter to ensure that an selected entry in a list should be unselected if the selection-event is targeted to the other list.

Method Summary
 function addSelectionListener( selectionChangedMethod )
           Listeners must provide a selectionChanged method.
 function select(target,args)
           Iterates through all registered listeners and calls the selectionChangedMethod with the target and args parameter.

Method Detail


function addSelectionListener( selectionChangedMethod )
Listeners must provide a selectionChanged method. The target and the args parameter of the select method are passed as parameters to the selectionChangedMethod.


function select(target,args)
Iterates through all registered listeners and calls the selectionChangedMethod with the target and args parameter.