Repeat config examples

Configuration 1 (table)

Here is a typical configuration, that creates a table with a column-header, in which the authors are listed with their first- and lastname as well as an annotation. If the list is emtpy, every newly created entry woulb be inserted behind the titel or (if present) the subtitle.

<wbz:view class="WbzRepeat" select="book:author" type="table" insertAt="book:title|book:subtitel">
 <wbz:create label="author">
   <td><wbz:view class="WbzTextField" select="@firstname"/></td>
   <td><wbz:view class="WbzTextField" select="@lastname"/></td>
   <td><wbz:view class="WbzTextField" select="@annotation" cols="40" rows="2"/></td>

The following gui is created:

repeat in table mode

Configuration 2 (2 or more create statemants):

The free form makes sense especially when the matched entries have diffrent types. The component can be used to edit structures like (A|B|C)*. You have to specify a create element for every alternative.

 <wbz:view class="WbzRepeat" select="my:folder|my:bookmark">
   <wbz:create label="Link">
     <my:bookmark name="" href=""/>
   <wbz:create label="Ordner">
     <my:folder name=""/>
   <wbz:apply-templates select="."/>

The following graphic shows the nesting of multiple repeats. WbzRepeat automatically creates a contextmenu (rihgt mouse-click), for moving or rermoving of the selected entries.

nested repeats

Configuration 3 (with dialog views):

Sometimes, the entries that shoulb be edited are so complex, that the edit-views should not be arragende in the list-views. For those cases it is possible, to specify an additional editing-view, that shows the selected entry in a separate dialog-window.

 <wbz:view class="WbzRepeat" select="author" insertAt="title">
  <wbz:create label="author">
    <autor fisrtname="#" lastname="#"/>
  <wbz:dialog title="My dialog title" left="100" top="100" width="300" height="300">
    firstname: <wbz:view class="WbzTextField" select="@firstname"/>
    lastname: <wbz:view class="WbzTextField" select="@lastname"/>
  <wbz:value-of select="@lastname"/> <wbz:value-of select="@firstname"/>

The graphic shows a more complex example of a repeat-dialog. You'll find it in the demo-files

repeat with dialogs
Christopher Kohlhaas Email: kohlhaas at
Last modified: Wed Oct 15 13:05:48 CEST 2003